Review: Is it Worth Joining?

Our review

Singles over 50 have a hard time? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! has made it its mission to connect singles in the best part of their lives. But what can the dating market for partner seekers 50 Plus?

We have tested for you whether keeps what it promises: a second spring with a shared life.

Who is logged in here?

Members 250,000 from Germany Members activity 50,000 weekly active Gender distribution 45% 55%

  • Over 250,000 U-50 singles
  • Under 50 years you can not sign up
  • Few fake profiles
  • Even gays can go here on dating

Fakes have hardly met us – allergings a lot of profiles without a photo, no description and no other information. These are hardly suggested to you, but above all those members who have similar interests as you. So it depends on your own profile quality, whom you meet.

Gays also have a good chance of finding partners of their age here.

Age distribution

  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55+

registration process

  • with e-mail and nicknames
  • Step by step – very clear
  • only a few information can be given
  • Registration via Facebook is not possible

Registration is easy and easy. You can not connect your Facebook profile – but of course has the advantage that no data from Facebook will be fed here. One also remains more anonymous to the portal.

After registering with, which you end with a confirmation email, the classic profiling takes place.

  • basic questions: Are you looking for a man or a woman? How old are you? In which city are you looking for?
  • deeper questions: Are you ready for a relationship? What is your relationship status? Do you have (adult) children?
  • Questions about appearance: height, figure, hair, ethnicity
  • other: citizenship, smoker, religion

The design here is very nice and clear, so that you can make step by step completely uncomplicated all basic information. Now you can upload a profile picture – this will be checked by the editors. However, a rejected photo does not explain exactly why it was rejected.

Here are some more questions to help you search for Zweisam:

  • What do you expect from your dream partner? About the same questions as they were asked – only for the possible partner
  • Your hobbies: What sport do you like? What do you do in your free time? What kind of movies and music do you like?

Even here it is noticeable that the portal is aimed at older singles, so you can find among hobbies, for example, “gardening” – a hobby that many people appreciate only in times of greater peace.

From now on, you can log in again and again without any problem.


With a simple membership, you can send smileys and wink at someone, as well as see who contacted you this way.

Premium opens up more possibilities: you can, for example, Send and read messages and view profile visitors

The contact is easy and convenient. You can communicate directly with each other in the chat style, and you can also write to anyone – because hardly anyone has a premium membership.

Test winner review for free

profile information

  • The profiles are mediocre in detail
  • The profile can be changed later
  • Profile pictures are visible to all users for free

The profiles at are beautifully designed like the rest of the website. One quickly learns everything superficially important about the other person. But only the superficial! Slightly more input here is the free text field, where you can write about yourself. Many use this area to actually go much closer to their ideas – some of which are very explicit. This is also related to the maturity of the singles, one has already experienced a lot and is now clear about their own wishes.

Others write poetry or just “I’m nice”. The former can say something about the profiler, the latter rather less.

So important is:

1. Make an effort to create a profile

2. Choose a suitable profile picture and upload more pictures that represent you well

3. Create a meaningful free text! Pay special attention to your spelling here. Specify what kind of relationship you are looking for, what kind of person you are and what kind of person you are looking for. Like the profile picture, this text is checked by the editors, so do not try to write down any mess. This is about a sophisticated partner search.

field review

For the self-esteem, the dating is always something, so get the ladies in particular a lot of positive response. Even flirting with the premium membership is wonderful.

Due to the high percentage of singles over 50 one finds possible date partners in almost every area of ​​Germany. However, if you live more rural, you should expand the search radius generously to have more options!

The design is very pretty and appealing. The page can be operated from the registration to simple and is therefore well suited for Internet inexperienced.

There is no app, but the mobile version is well adapted, so you can flirt on the go.

Two costs and prices

Free services

    • registration
    • profiling
    • View profiles
    • Send smiles
    • Set favorites

Try it for free now

Paid services

  • Write messages
  • Receive messages
  • see who visited my profile
  • See who sent me a smile
  • See who has chosen me as a favorite

Duration / Credits / CoinsCost per monthTotal

Premium? Is deducted in 3 monthly installments of 49,98.
6 months 24.99 € / month 149,94 €
3 months 29,99 € / month € 89.97
1 month 39.99 € / month 39,99 €

Is Zweisam expensive or cheap?

In the price comparison with other providers Zweisam is in reasonable range. Try it for free now

payment options

  • Credit card
  • debit
  • PayPal

Attention: If you do not cancel on time, your subscription will be extended by the regular price. You can unsubscribe under “My profile settings”.


What is so special about

Exclusively singles 50+

At, according to the terms of use, only people over the age of 50 are allowed to register. And it does not matter if homosexual or heterosexual! You will only be made suggestions that meet your wishes.

Photo Boost

You want to be in the limelight? If you use the photo boost feature, you are in the top of the list or the date suggestions.

Our rating

Logon Process: 4.0 / 5
Contact: 3.0 / 5
Profile Information: 3.5 / 5
Field experience: 4.0 / 5

Conclusion of our review editor offers the distinct advantage that only singles over 50 are registered here. Even more purposeful to a relationship in the best years lead only dating agencies. review winner free test

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Updated on Apr 2023
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