Lovescout24 Review – The Pros, Cons and Features

Our review Fall in love or rip-off?

Since July 2016, Lovescout24 has been the new name of the successful online dating site Friendscout24, a well-structured online dating site, where flirting is a top priority.

More than 6,000,000 tested members on the Dating Partner make Lovescout24 a high-quality portal on the German dating market. Lovescout offers with a detailed search function and the high quality of the profiles the possibility for exciting dates and butterflies in the stomach.

There are a lot of active women on the portal who have serious intentions. Self-initiative such as personally formulated news and a well-groomed profile are required for both sexes. How good and serious Lovescout24 is, and whether the costs are worthwhile, we have extensively tested here.

Try Lovescout24 for free

10 facts you did not know about lovescout yet

LoveScout24 …

  • offers regular single events like afterworks and city trips so you will not just chat
  • shows in the free version so much advertising that our browser has crashed
  • Secret also offers a portal for erotic contacts
  • allows the search for small peculiarities (#LoveYourImperfection)
  • is also suitable for gay dating with about 200,000 homosexual members
  • Dateroulette offers something like Tinder
  • shows with the boost function your profile on the start page and you get extra flirts
  • allows anonymous visits to profiles in incognito mode
  • is also available on the Apple Watch
  • Enables chat with Connect members in the free version

design & service

  • well structured surface with a simple design
  • many commercials in the free version
  • ad-free and comfortable usage for premium members
  • practical Lovescout24 app with rich features like news, search, profile editing and even registration

Who is logged in here?

Members 6,000,000 from Germany Members activity 1,000,000 weekly active Gender distribution 43% 57%

  • Members primarily looking for flirt, chat and fall in love
  • represent all professions
  • about 10% academics available (dating agencies have a significantly higher share of academics)
  • Average age men: 37.5 years
  • Average age women: 34.7 years
  • Friendly dating site with upscale manners

Meet singles for free

It’s all about lovescout

  • 17,500 active singles per minute
  • Interested messages already with free registration
  • After profiling significantly increased message volume
  • Deletion of card details by a moderation team, registered members are actually active
  • Responses usually within 24 hours, even if no dating interest in a person exists

Age distribution

  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55+

registration process

  • free registration from 18 years
  • Profile entries are checked
  • very detailed information possible
  • Upload up to five profile photos and 20 picture albums
  • Registration time: approx. 25 minutes

As with all reputable dating sites, a free registration at Lovescout24 is required. The registration takes place via e-mail address, which must be finally confirmed.

When logging in, only the username, the desired search, the place of residence and the date of birth have to be entered. When profiling, there are many more options. You can choose from the following search criteria:

  • man searches for woman
  • Man is looking for man
  • woman looks for man
  • Woman is looking for a wife

There are several questions to answer on your own dating profile: superficial ones (hair color, height, etc.) and deeper multiple-choice questions, e.g. to situations in life and dealing with them.

The standard questions about civil status, character description, etc. are to be answered by selection menu, text answers are not possible. However, there are two free text fields to life motto (up to 128 characters) and individual self-description (up to 5,000 characters) are available.

More personal information can be provided with the 20 pre-defined flirt questions under yes / no answer. It is also possible to create your own questions if the predefined models do not appeal.

Flirt questions include questions such as:

  • Are you a morning muffle?
  • Do you prefer to order online or do you prefer to shop locally?

Sign up for free at Lovescout24


  • very detailed search precision
  • Send a direct message
  • Think outside the box with Dateroulette
  • Adjust radius search as desired
  • virtual smile sendable
  • Writing messages is free for all members

As a member of LoveScout, you have many opportunities to connect with other members. However, we recommend that you check that the information in your profile is complete and correct before contacting them, as this is your business card and everyone will take a look before answering.

A smile for the first contact can basic and premium members alike. Unfortunately, it is not expandable with personal words. Women almost always prefer the personal address of a potential partner by message, but receive smiles in most cases as well.

Messages can only be sent by premium members, while base members can send messages to Premium members who have purchased the Connect add-on. The quality of the content of the mails is crucial for success in finding a partner. Basically, the more personal the message and the relation to the profile of the counterpart, the higher the response rate. General circulars that are sent to 50 or more members, but do not arrive well.

Although the Dateroulette does not make direct contact, the game allows a look beyond the horizon. While the displayed Dating Profiles in the search results meet your own set criteria, the Dateroulette results are completely variable. So you have the opportunity in the partner search people and dating profiles to discover that are outside of their own search results.

We find: An exciting opportunity to expand your own horizons and to quickly look at different profiles.

Test winner review for free

profile information

  • sympathetic user with many photos and information
  • common interests visible on the profile
  • Fakes are deleted rigorously
  • five employees take care of the dating profiles
  • The profiles are very detailed
  • The profile can be changed later

Very positive is the quality of the single profiles at, the singles go out of their way to create a sympathetic self-portrayal. The members in our review uploaded profile pictures on this dating site and completed their profile text.

The singles, women as well as men, should above all also on the correct profile picture value, because “the appearance finds, the character binds.” And even with an appealing visual self-expression, members can convince other singles.

Most profiles are thus provided with photos and contain important information. Even with the file questions, most people are very active and have filled at least part of it. So you know a lot about the profile owner before you make personal contact.

The lovescout24 seal

If a man makes a special effort, he can purchase the lovescout24 seal. You just have to

  • have completed the profile at least 70%, this information is important: age, height, marital status, nature of the desired relationship, nationality, existing children / children, figure, smoker, education
  • Share at least one photo
  • Watch the LoveScout24 tutorials are pretty little videos with tips for men on how to get in touch with a woman
  • “sign” the gentleman’s certificate, in which the information of the videos is re-listed

You can extend the whole by the …

…certified lovescout24 seal:

  • All the conditions of the Lovescout24 seal are fulfilled
  • personal description is completed
  • Lovescout24 singles have given positive feedback on your profile over the past month


  • App available for iOS and Android
  • free download in Appstore
  • Receiving and sending messages on the way
  • playing Dateroulette on the way

Lovescout24 can be used not only on the PC at home or in the office, but also with the smartphone on the go. Thanks to an app that is available for both Android as well as iOS phones, u.a. Easily use news, single search, dating roulette and profile editing features on the go.

The download is free via the respective Appstores, the login is possible with the personal account. If there is no account yet, the registration can also be done directly in the app. However, we recommend signing up for free via the website on the PC, because the larger screen makes it easier and faster.

field review

Report by Timo, 34 from Aachen

I have never held much of dating sites, but when my buddy Lovescout24 recommended (or at that time Friendscout24), I’ve just looked at it.

Quite a lot of questions, this page at the beginning and first I hesitated, if I really should give so much away from me. But in the end I invested the one hour and it was really rewarding.

In the beginning I just jumped around, sometimes on this profile, sometimes on this and then I saw Isabell. According to Lovescout our interests were quite identical and I liked their cheeky answers, with the flirting questions. I smiled at her and just waited. But even though she’s online, there was no answer. I guessed right away. My buddy waved me off and told me to just send her a message and not throw in the gun.

So I listened to him again and sent her some nice lines. Above all, I tried to be natural, not to talk nonsense and to talk about them a bit. With success! One day later, I had her answer and she also told me that this smile would just have gone down because she smiled 50 times and more each day.

The whole thing is now three months back and we are planning our first holiday together. To be fair, I have to say Isabell was not the only one I came in contact with. But she was the only one I met with and that took my heart by storm. we do not need more, but I’m still grateful to my buddy that he was able to convince me stubborn Bock.

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Lovescout24 costs and prices

Free services

    • Create profile
    • Relationship review (restricted)
    • Playing Dateroulette
    • Receive recommendations, use search mask and view profiles
    • Send messages and smiles
    • Receive messages from Connect members n
    • Event Calendar

Try it for free now

Paid services

  • Read messages and send unlimited
  • psychologically selected partner suggestions
  • Deactivation of advertising
  • Insight on the “Who wants to meet me” list
  • See who you smiled at
  • Establish contact with all members
  • See who visited your profile
  • with the anonymous function unrecognized visit other profiles

Duration / Credits / CoinsCost per monthTotal

Premium basis for over 30s? Unlimited messages to up to 10 new members / day
1 month 39,99 EUR / month 39,99 EUR
3 months 29,99 EUR / month 89.97 EUR
6 months 24,99 EUR / month 149,94 EUR
12 months 19,99 EUR / month 239,88 EUR
Premium medium for over 30s? Unlimited messages to up to 25 new members / day
1 month 42,99 EUR / month 42,99 EUR
3 months 32,99 EUR / month 98.97 EUR
6 months 27,99 EUR / month 167,94 EUR
12 months 22,99 EUR / month 275,88 EUR
Premium unlimited for over 30s? Unlimited news and ad-free usage
1 month 44,99 EUR / month 44,99 EUR
3 months 34,99 EUR / month 104.97 EUR
6 months 29,99 EUR / month 179,94 EUR
12 months 25.00 EUR / month 299.98 EUR
Premium unlimited + select for over 30s? Unlimited news, ad-free usage and decide who can contact you
1 month 49,99 EUR / month 49,99 EUR
3 months 39,99 EUR / month 119.97 EUR
6 months 34,99 EUR / month 209,94 EUR
12 months 29,99 EUR / month 359,88 EUR
Premium 1 month for 18 to 29 year olds (50% discount)? Will be renewed after one month at the regular price of 39.99 €
1 month 19,99 EUR / month 19,99 EUR
Premium 3 months for 18 to 29 year olds (50% discount)? Will be extended after 3 months for the regular price of 29.99 € / month
3 months 14,99 EUR / month 44,97 EUR
Premium 6 months for 18 to 29 year olds (50% discount)? Will be renewed after 6 months at the regular price of 24.99 € / month
6 months 12,49 EUR / month 74,94 EUR
Premium 12 months for 18 to 29 year olds (50% discount)? Will be renewed after 12 months at the regular price of 19.99 € / month
12 months 9,99 EUR / month 119,88 EUR

Is Lovescout24 expensive or cheap?

In the price comparison with other providers Lovescout24 is in reasonable range. Try it for free now

payment options

  • Credit card
  • debit
  • PayPal

Men and women pay identical prices. However, there is a 50% discount for the younger generation – members under 30 pay half the price. Thus, Lovescout ensures that there are also enough young members, especially since most of the age could not afford the price otherwise.

When will be charged?

Membership for 6 or 12 months must be paid monthly, while you pay the costs for one or three months at a time.

The Premium Membership

With a premium membership, the member has the opportunity to exchange messages in unlimited quantities with all other users. In addition, the portal will be provided ad-free. Users of premium membership can see who would like to have a personal date (dating roulette) and also use all the features of the app.

The Premium Plus membership

A Premium Plus membership contains all the features of the classic premium membership, but brings even more benefits. You can access partner suggestions on the page. In addition, the own profile is placed higher in the search results and the chance of access is higher.

The Premium Plus membership including VIP profile

In this membership, the user receives all features of Premium and Premium Plus membership, as well as a special placement in Dateroulette game. Your own photo will be displayed to playing members n in a top placement, making it more public.

Discounts and Cashback at

Discounts are not available in direct form at, but the longer a subscription is completed, the cheaper it will be for the user. While the premium membership costs 39.99 euros for a one-month term, the monthly price is reduced to 19.99 euros if booked for 12 months.

It is possible to get cashback if a Premium Membership on is used. To do this, the member must be logged in to corresponding cashback portals and use the link published there to register with Lovescout. Now, depending on the offer, percentages credited or premiums paid in euros.

Try Lovescout24 for free


After the profile has been created, of course, it is important to get in contact with other people and to use the site as effectively as possible. Thanks to different functions, Lovescout24 will not be boring.

What is apart from the good opportunities for new contacts especially Lovescout?

  • unique online magazine with exciting information about dating
  • regular reallife events for singles in big cities
  • Report fake profiles to moderator at the click of a mouse
  • no fake profiles from
  • read exciting success stories of couples on the page

Try Lovescout24 for free

The search function

The search function of Lovescout24 is probably one of the most central elements, because the information is used to create the results. It is possible to create very precise information and specifications, individual search masks can be saved.

Information that can be found in the search function are:

  • professional characteristics (income, educational level, occupation)
  • Smoking and drinking habits
  • Origin, nationality, languages
  • Religion and attitude to children and marriage
  • Hobbies, practiced sports, interests
  • Welcome text available, last online activity, profile photo

The more detailed the information, the more accurate the results will be for personal interests. However, it should be noted that the number of search results may be reduced if very precise information is provided. Sometimes it makes sense not to narrow certain areas too much to get a wider variety of search results.

partner Offers

Each member has the opportunity to complete a personality review and deposit their own interests there. In each case, it can also be specified which wishes are made on specific points to the potential partner.

Based on the information provided, partner suggestions are submitted whose matches with their own are particularly high. The more specific the information in the personality test, the higher the agreement. An evaluation of your own personality profile will be sent by e-mail to the profile owner.

Dateroulette as an introductory game

The game Dateroulette offers exciting variety and the opportunity to quickly find sympathetic profiles. The player is shown profile photos of other people and then has to be selected by mouse click, if a date with this person in question.

If so, the other person receives a message about it. However, she can only call her if she owns a premium account at

Try Dateroulette for free

The events at Lovescout24

For residents of large cities, the local events are a great way to meet other singles. On the event page of Lovescout24 you can search for upcoming events depending on the region. From summer vacation to free barbecue there is a lot here. The cost factor varies, there are both free events and travel, for example. which can be quite expensive with several hundred euros.

The event highlights:

  • Jogging with a professional treadmill (costs standard: 8 EUR, costs premium: 4 EUR for one hour)
  • Free Afterworks Party to get to know other Lovescout members in a bar
  • Free to the cinema!

At the events can usually only participate who registered as a registered member of there and reserves a seat. Therefore, the exact location is usually only a few days before the event takes place. On the other hand, there are also free events with Open Door, where you can go spontaneously and free without registration. Then you should not appear too late, so it is not too crowded.

Campaign #LoveYourImperfections

Lovescout24 also takes publicity measures to attract more members. This not only brings LS24 more sales, but also more choice and a greater chance of dating! Especially recent is Lovescout’s #LoveYourImperfections advertising campaign, which says someone will love your mistakes – you just have to find him or her through lovescout.

Our rating

Logon Process: 4,5 / 5
Contact: 4.0 / 5
Profile Information: 5.0 / 5
App: 3.5 / 5
Field experience: 4,5 / 5

Conclusion of our review editor

Lovescout24 is still the best dating site in Germany after the renaming of Friendscout24. If you want to flirt, chat and fall in love, this is the place for you. Especially the possibilities to get to know each other and the serious intentions of the members are outstanding. review winner for free



Why is Friendscout now called Lovescout24?

With the renaming of Friendscout in Lovescout nothing more should happen than to finally give the portal a suitable name. Lovescout24 was considered appropriate because the portal’s focus is on finding partners, not looking for friends.

What is the difference between Friendscout and Lovescout?

Apart from the name, nothing changed at first between Friendscout and Lovescout. Already in 2014, the Munich-based Friendscout GmbH was acquired by the Meetic Group, which also includes the casual dating portal Secret, the partner agency and the dating site In Munich, you will therefore find all four providers at one company location. Since then, there have been some changes in the membership structure such as merging with to make the selection of pretty women and attractive men even bigger for you. Other changes were not available for Friendscout users by the name change.

user friendliness

What’s going to change at Lovescout24 for Friendscout members?

There are no changes for the new members, which would have a negative effect on the dating experience. Only the merger with is noticeable noticeable. This is mainly due to the fact that the member database has grown enormously and that the chances for a date are even better now.

How do I find the right partner at

With a membership of more than six million people, it is quite possible to find the right partner. There are a few key criteria that increase your chances of success.

Already at the profiling the course is set, because who does not make any effort here, reduces the chances of success. A well-filled profile with a photo and a lot of information arouses the interest of the other members and increases the willingness to answer news. It is also important to complete the relationship test, as this gives the member partner suggestions that match your own interests particularly well.

Some activity is required if the search for a partner at should be successful.

Can I add photos of myself to Lovescout24 or give them VIP rights to view my photos without having to publicly show them to anyone?

For some time now Lovescout24 has not offered the previous private area. Based on this, all visitors to the profile can retrieve all provided photos without separate sharing.


How can I delete my profile?

The own profile at Lovescout can be deleted by mouse click and input of personal data. In the login menu, move the mouse pointer over your own nickname and select the Settings section. Now there is the tab “Pause or delete profile”. Here “delete” has to be selected and after two confirmations that the deletion is actually desired, the step can be carried out by entering the e-mail address and the password.

How can I cancel at

Announce at Lovescout24? If one has found the right person, or would rather look around at a dating agency, it makes sense to terminate the premium membership. We explain exactly how to cancel easily and quickly.

  • Move your mouse over your own pseudonym in the upper right corner, click Settings and select Premium Membership
  • Click on your premium membership administration
  • Now click on the link to manage your premium membership, click here
  • Enter your e-mail address and password and click Next
  • Now one is asked for the motivation to terminate the premium membership, answer these questions
  • Again confirm the termination request
  • As soon as the extension is over, you will receive a confirmation email

The premium membership until the last day of the current running time received, even if the automatic extension has been previously terminated. After expiration of the premium membership the free profile remains active, so that one can continue to be contacted by interesting members.

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Share your Lovescout24 experience

Here, real singles share their experiences with Lovescout24. If you also want to share your experiences, here is your chance:

I am: A man A womanPlease choose one of the options. I am looking for: A man A womanPlease choose one of the options.Please add your review. Yes I would like to receive free dating sites coupons and dating tipsPlease indicate your age. My date was successfulRates Lovescout24: Please rate Lovescout24Would you recommend Lovescout24? Yes NoPlease indicate if you would recommend Lovescout24.

Thank you for your review. After the editorial exam, we will publish this here.

Updated on Apr 2023
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