LovePoint Review: Features, Membership Plans, and Success Rates

Our lovepoint review 2019 rip-offs or dates?

Since 1999 Lovepoint has been successful in brokering dream partners and erotic adventures, so-called casual dates, and thus already an old hand with a lot of experience in the industry. Of the approximately 620,000 members in Germany, about 110,000 are active weekly. In our practical test, we examined contract details, chances of success and functions for you.

The Erotic Fun Matchmaking Network offers erotic adventures on the one hand, and you can also look for a long-term relationship partner and fall in love with them on the other hand. As part of a VIP membership, you can use both options. At a fair cost many modern contacts can be used, such as Video chat or an anonymous phone call.


Lovepoint was named “Customer Favor 2017” by DEUTSCHLAND TEST, a Focus Money brand, based on 12 million online dating consumer opinions. A “very good” was in the category “highest performance”. Other awards were in the categories “Highest Seriousness” and “Best Customer Service”.

Who is logged in here?

Members 620,000 from Germany Members activity 110,000 weekly active Gender distribution 60% 40%

  • Singles and forgiven looking for casual dating or partnership
  • many members between 18 and 44 years
  • above average number of women
  • Appreciated: discretion and good behavior
  • See which partner suggestions are online

Your chances of success on erotic adventures

  • a high proportion of women offers men a greater chance of finding a partner for an affair or a long-term partnership
  • many female members through free use for women
  • Women are lured via dating agencies and men over infidelity
  • hardly card-rich: Users are paused or locked after prolonged inactivity
  • Lovepoint level controlling ensures high level of communication, e.g. through manual photo review and rating function of user profiles

Tip of the editor: At Lovepoint are registered normal people, where discretion and good behavior are important. Please do not fall by exotic wishes with the door into the house, but communicate friendly and normal. Everything else can then be discussed in bed.

Age distribution

  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55+

registration process

  • Scientific personality test
  • Create picture gallery
  • Write your own presentation text
  • short performance via audio or video recording
  • Anonymity protection: Images must first be released
  • Duration of registration: about 20 minutes

Registration with Lovepoint is free of charge via your e-mail address and takes about 20 minutes. At first this seems to be a relatively long time for a casual dating platform. You should not forget that Lovepoint also acts as a dating service, but even if you are “only” looking for erotic adventures, you benefit from the personality test. Re-launches are manually checked by Lovepoint employees, which serves the level and avoids fake profiles.

Lovepoint personality test

In the personality test, you give details of your characteristics and the characteristics of your desired partner, of external characteristics (height, figure, eye color, hair color, etc.), characteristics (responsible, humorous, enterprising …) to sexual interests. Following are questions about your personality, such as “I’m insensitive to stress” or “I’m often stalked by bad luck,” which you have to answer on a scale from “not at all” to “completely true.”

Lovepoint’s Personality review was written by psychologist dr. Christoph von Quast developed by the Society for Psychological Research and Consulting. The review is based on international findings of research. With relatively little expenditure of time, the personality is examined from a psychological point of view. Exactly the characteristics are analyzed by Lovepoint, which are important for a successful partnership. However, Lovepoint can not compete in the review of Parship or Elitepartner.

On the basis of the personality review Lovepoint then determines appropriate partner suggestions. If the wishes and interests of two members agree, one can freely get in touch. As far as men are concerned. Women directly have the opportunity to search for men and can also contact them directly, without the similarities on the part of Lovepoint were checked. This has the advantage that the ladies are not bothered. Through this feature, the proportion of women in Lovepoint has risen sharply, which in turn is interesting for the men and leads to high-quality negotiations.

profile design

You can customize your profile in the so-called “interview” by answering at least 5 given questions using free text fields.

In Lovepoint’s own profile, there are different ways for a member to make a good first impression of themselves. Especially the idea of ​​having your own audio or video message inspired us. But also the possibilities to set photos and to send a personal message to the profile visitors we liked.

Our tip: Use a nice portrait photo in good quality, so that no one is disappointed, if you free each other your photos.


  • Personal text messages
  • Audio live chat
  • Video live chat
  • Send a chat appointment as an invitation with a personal greeting
  • Discreet phone calls
  • For women, writing messages is free
  • Live chat available for direct exchange

In our review we were convinced by the many possibilities of communication at Lovepoint. Women can also contact male passive users. To respond, the man must go into active status and complete a paid membership.

Smile send

The “send smiles” function is used to nudge another member and makes it easy to attract attention.

Personal text messages

Lovepoint offers classic contact through personal messages. Many members write longer messages here. Once the first step is done in writing, as a lovepoint member, you can get started right with a chat, video or phone call. Video and audio chat are also free.

Audio live chat

An audio chat is a great way to get to know each other better beyond the news. Nevertheless, the privacy remains protected, especially if one of the video chat is too direct or you would like to do something exciting.

Video chat

The advantage of a video chat is obvious: facial expressions and gestures are known to reveal more than 1,000 words. First of all to get an authentic impression of the other member through the video is a real highlight and getting to know each other is without risk. This saves time, money and above all an embarrassing meeting, which both sides would rather have avoided.

Send a chat appointment

Through the invitation to chat you can arrange your favorite flirt for a chat appointment. To do this, send the desired day for the chat with the appropriate time to the member. In addition, a second day can be specified as an alternative.

Our tip: By a nice, personal greeting, the other member already attuned to the common chat. 😉

Discreet phone calls

Via the Lovepoint system, you can establish contact by telephone using an anonymous hotline. A guarantee from Lovepoint promises that the own telephone number will not be published and other members will not be able to see the mobile number. Due to the intensive opportunities to establish contact, you can get closer very quickly. However, getting to know each other quickly also has disadvantages. A flirting partner may become intrusive too fast. Here two good solutions from Lovepoint were found. Send a polite cancellation to the member or in the second case, “ignore the member”. The ignored member can not contact you anymore.

Offer friendship

It is nice to find friends at Lovepoint. By mail or SMS you will receive notifications about new messages from friends in his mailbox. Photos can only be shared with friends in the gallery. The invested time in flirting, from which nothing has come up yet, can continue to be useful: If a member places you on the friends list, the other single signals your sympathetic character, which ultimately has a positive effect on referral suggestions.

Our conclusion: In the practical review Lovepoint members responded to personal text messages within 24 hours. The conversations were very polite, with casual dads already knowing what they want.

Try Lovepoint for free

profile information

  • Key facts at a glance
  • Controlling level
  • Free text “Welcome …” for self-presentation
  • Contact Guarantee: secure number of partner suggestions
  • The profiles are detailed
  • The profile can be changed later

Your own profile can only be viewed by members who meet your personality review requirements. The level controlling ensures that the communication runs nivauvoll, fake profiles are deleted and the matching by non-public profile evaluations is improved.

The profile is divided into photos, the most important external information, the mobility and the smoking behavior, the personal welcome text and the questions answered in the interview during the registration. Do not worry, you can always change the answers, as well as your search settings.

Since photos are only visible when you release them to a member, your anonymity will be preserved and you will not get into the uncomfortable position of work colleagues or friends. In our review over half of the users had taken pictures.


  • Fast responsive website suitable for the smartphone presentation
  • No app available, since no one should load an escapade app on his smartphone – “Schaatz, what is this app”;)

Currently there is no separate App for iPhone or Android for Lovepoint, but a responsive website, which improves the appearance on the smartphone. An app for an escapade portal also makes little sense, because the user wants to enjoy discretion, which is achieved by an app on his smartphone little.

For the registration you have more peace and concentration on the PC anyway. This leads to a better answered personality review and ultimately to better partner suggestions.

field review

Anna, a journalist, 31 years old

Initially Lovepoint is exciting.

I had no interest in casual dating, but had also heard a lot of positive about dating on the site. The personality review has it all – after the first assessment of what you are looking for, follow 93 psychological questions and then again free text questions, the answers then publicly in profile. Since this was my first time in the world of online dating, I thought a lot about my profile, starting with the image selection. I followed the advice of a women’s magazine: at least one picture of me alone, so that man recognizes which of the ladies is the right ladies, also as few cats and ideally a full body photo. Then the text. I did not know how much the majority here reveals and I would be willing to divulge. So I stopped short. Then it started. I went more to perimeter and “wish partner” than after the “soul mate” search. I looked at profiles with blurry pictures if ever. If someone agreed with me, I weighed and decided on the basis of the existing factors (what could his pictures and his text say about him, size, how athletic I should be to be able to keep up with – many seem to regularly train for a triathlon) for or against him. I quickly learned: Sport is important to the average Bavarian single, preferably in all its forms, as well as of course its own appearance and, last but not least, travel. The first exhilaration over incoming messages lulled me quickly. And also the desire. At some point I did not even look at the profiles, but decided on completely arbitrary superficial criteria. The hairstyle is funny. Eyes too close together. What should the green jacket do? Funny nickname. He is too beautiful. He looks like he’s rich – definitely a snob. After some time the first news came in spite of all that. A very popular start: “And what are you looking for here? ) “. As a warning, the answer to a counter question is rarely “Romantic Dates and Future Planning”. A two years younger guy thought I wanted to be his cougar, another already sent me a link to his own website after the welcome, as he found his CV and a selection of his photographic works. But, of course, and thankfully, there are some very normal and nice men who just make sweet compliments, who are a bit lame, but always funny saying “Are we a couple now?” And so it came to several enjoyably entertaining conversations. One led to a spontaneous date on the same evening of the first message, a really nice date. Although the “And what are you looking for at Lovepoint?” Question became clear that we had different ideas, but we understood ourselves well enough to spend several hours in a bar. Then we met a few more times, but finally it lacked in wavelength. Because in the end, online dating is similar to a meeting in the club. You like each other, the threshold is low, you get in contact. But if after the first small talk no more substance comes, even the most beautiful eyes bring nothing. It is a game of chance, and with it go thrill but also frustration.

Finding the perfect partner on a site like Lovepoint is rather difficult, as most are looking for a short adventure.

design & service

  • Since the big relaunch in 2015, the service has improved significantly
  • Lovepoint’s responsive website is modern, intuitive and works flawlessly
  • No app available, which is not a disadvantage, since you as a user of an escapade portal anyway discretion preferred
  • Maintaining anonymity until you want to share more with another member
  • extensive opportunities for contacting

Lovepoint costs and prices

Free services

    • Lovepoint is completely free for women
    • Men only see the homepage without paying
    • 50 first contact suggestions received – unfortunately without picture
    • personality Analysis

Try it for free now

Paid services

  • Contact partner suggestions
  • get unlimited contact suggestions and photos
  • be contacted

Duration / Credits / CoinsCost per monthTotal

Dream partner or adult adventure membership for men
3 months 33.00 EUR / month 99,00 EUR
6 months 21,50 EUR / month 129.00 EUR
12 months 12,42 EUR / month 149.00 EUR
VIP membership for men (dream partner and erotic adventure membership)
12 months 12,42 EUR / month 149.00 EUR

Is Lovepoint expensive or cheap?

Lovepoint is in the reasonable range in comparison with other providers. Try it for free now

payment options

  • transfer
  • Credit card
  • debit

In addition, Lovepoint offers an unlimited membership for 499 €.

We find very positive that the chargeable Lovepoint membership for men does not extend automatically. For women Lovepoint is permanently free.

Discrete payment is possible via cash deposit and credit card through third party companies. The name Lovepoint does not appear.

If you can not use Lovepoint for a while, you may be able to pause your membership. Your profile is not visible to others at this time. So no flood of news awaits you when you finish the pause.

Lovepoint offers both a contact and a placement guarantee. If the case arises that you receive mediation proposals, but it never results in a contact, then the membership is extended for free until it has come to a personal meeting.


Support Lovepoint flirting

Upon request, Lovepoint can advise and assist you throughout the entire membership. Here you can observe how to make contacts, get tips on what can be improved and especially how to optimize your profile. The chances of finding the right partner are very high here.

Psychological matching based on interest

In addition to a flirt chance calculation, which serves the profile optimization, there is still the possibility of a psychological matching or matching based on interest. The task of a match is to find out which partners are potentially a good match. The review was Christoph von Quast from the Max Planck Institute develops and examines areas of personality that are important for the success of a partnership from a psychological point of view: everyday and social behavior, thought patterns, emotions and attitudes. In other words, matching makes sure that you find a partner with whom you are on the same wavelength.

Face-reading videos

Lovepoint is also involved and interviewing experts, e.g. for face reading. Example:

Recognize trustworthiness in the face

Our rating

Logon Process: 4,5 / 5
Contact: 4,5 / 5
Profile Information: 4,5 / 5
App: 0.0 / 5
Field experience: 4,5 / 5

Conclusion of our review editor

Personality review in casual dating, where is this? At Lovepoint! Through the double structure as a dating service and portal for erotic dates you benefit from the advantages of targeted proposals. Women are “baited” through dating and men over fling. All in all, we consider Lovepoint to be the best way to search for an escapade.Lovepoint for free



How reputable is Lovepoint?

Lovepoint has been active for over 15 years and, with around 600,000 members, is one of the largest casual dating sites in Germany. Due to targeted addressing of women (“dating service with erotic fun”) about two thirds of the members are members of the fair sex. Discretion and data protection are very important at Lovepoint and have been certified by TÜV Saarland. Profile pictures are visible only after the activation for a user. The manual control of all profiles keeps fake profiles as far as possible.


I live in Switzerland, can I also use Lovepoint here?

Lovepoint is active in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. You should also find members looking for erotic dates or long-term relationships in your area of ​​residence.

Can I contact a male passive user as a woman?

The answer is simple: yes, you can! However, the chosen man must change to active status and complete a paid membership.

I get so little feedback on news, what can I do?

Have you already followed the tips in our review? Yes? Then check out Lovepoint: On the website many instructions and assistance are offered.


Do I have to cancel the paid membership?

The paid membership for men does not extend automatically. In the Lovepoint terms and conditions it says: “The contract is not extended automatically, but requires an extension for a corresponding extension booking.”


Is registration at Lovepoint free?

Registration at Lovepoint is free. We researched the cost of the different memberships for men for you. For women Lovepoint is permanently free.

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Share your lovepoint experience

Here, real singles share their experiences with Lovepoint. If you also want to share your experiences, here is your chance:

I am: A man A womanPlease choose one of the options. I am looking for: A man A womanPlease choose one of the options.Please add your review. Yes I would like to receive free dating sites coupons and dating tipsPlease indicate your age. My date was successful. Dear Lovepoint: Please rate Lovepoint. Would you recommend Lovepoint? Yes NoPlease indicate if you would recommend Lovepoint.

Thank you for your review. After the editorial exam, we will publish this here.

Lovepoint reviews

  • 55 years26.11.2018

    I advertised Lovepoint 10 years ago for an infidelity because I was dissatisfied with my marriage at the time. After some suggestions …, which finally did not address me in the correspondence enough to meet the candidates in person, a man wrote to me whose mail I had not noticed at first because I was already fed up. After 3 weeks he wrote me again that it was a pity that I had not contacted me, etc. Then I decided to answer him. He, too, was dissatisfied with his marriage, but he did not want to part with it, just like me. It developed an intensive correspondence, at some point we phoned. After a month, we met for the first time and it hit like a flash on both sides. We fell head over heels in love with the “just kidding”, we knew we wanted to try to build a real relationship. After about 6 months, we separated from our spouses and led a weekend relationship for 3 years. Then we moved to a common house, where we now live with 2 dogs and 1 cat. 6 years after our first date we got married. In this respect, Lovepoint has significantly influenced and changed our lives, otherwise we would probably never have met because of different locations. ”

  • 40 years06.01.2017

    I logged in some time ago. Very skeptical, if there was really success in my search. Gradually I found myself … in and the side getting better. So I found a lot of contacts, sometimes more friendly, sometimes until today, but also quite what I was looking for. And in one case also far, far more than that … Fascinatingly I found the many facets of the registered women and the sometimes intense stories they had. So Lovepoint not only inspired me with the obvious, but also matured in my own personality. In the end, it even saved my marriage, as paradoxical as that may sound. ”

  • 46 years09.10.2016

    Actually, I’m not looking for a man anymore, because I found him … thanks Lovepoint! That’s why I want to give special thanks to this platform. I am a woman who dared not expect anything. Just made an honest request to the male world out there. Maybe there would be a rare specimen that had exactly the same wishes as mine. Although I found the fulfillment of my wishes extremely unlikely, I decided to remain bold and persistent, and to be honest, I was also quite curious … A time of doubt was inevitable, and yet courage paid out. Within 24 hours there was a contact … No! Rather, a male “angel” flew by (who knew nothing of its effect!) This was not sure if his request would appeal. He was damned faintly aware that his very desire would quench the fire of a female counterpart! To reinforce the hot hearts reading this, I want to say: You are absolutely divine and damned right. There’s exactly what you’re wearing out there, thank you Lovepoint for making the connection. Respect! ”

Show all Lovepoint experiences

Updated on Apr 2023
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